Dear Fellow Alumni,

It is my pleasure to report that OSA sailed through the year 2018, thanks to the unwavering support of my fellow Executive Committee members and alumni who are so generous to help in the work of OSA.

Our main event, Ball Game Tournaments (BGT) 2018 experiences another successful season. It achieves a new record of offering 145 matches with over 770 alunmus counts playing in the Tournaments. Since the introduction of BGT, Ms CHING Wai Ming, Jasmine (81FA) has been the organizer of the function. For the BGT 2019, Mr CHEUNG Kwan, Eric (77FA) has taken the helm from Jasmine as organizer. We are indebted to Jasmine for the success of BGT. She has dedicated years of effort in nurturing BGT to its current scale. With the solid foundation laid by Jasmine, I am sure BGT will continue to prosper under the leadership of Eric.

In 2018-2019 school year, QES has a change in principalship. Principal YUEN Kwong Yip was transferred from QES to another school. Alumni spoke highly of Principal YUEN. Under the leadership of Principal YUEN, the performances of QES students had improved significantly. In addition, the QES-alumni relationship has also been further enhanced. On behalf of the OSA, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation of the excellent work of Principal YUEN.

Principal CHAN Cheung Wai succeeded Principal YUEN as the principal of QES. Within a short period of time, OSA has established a smooth working relationship with Principal CHAN. I would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Principal Chan and his team. It is only with their full support that the OSA activities could be such a success.

This year, OSA continued to support the development of QES students. Seventy alumni were recruited to serve as mentors for the QES Alumni Mentorship Programme. OSA also sponsored 4 junior form QES students with financial needs for a study tour to University of Cambridge.

I am delighted to report that OSA achieves good results in the QES sports events in 2018-2019. In Swimming Gala, our team 18FA won the 4 X 50 m Special Relay, and a mixed alumni team came third. As for Sports Day, an OSA mixed team won the 4 X 100 m Invitation Relay and broke the record of the event.

QES School camp suffered serious damage from Typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018. Thanks to the selfless service of our alumni and parents of QES students in cleaning up the camp site, the School Camp Visit could be held as scheduled on 10 November, just 2 months after the typhoon!

It has been our mission to bring in younger alumni to the Executive Committee. I am proud to share with you that the current composition of the Executive Committee is reasonably well balanced – out of the 15 Executive Committee members, 5 are from FAs of the 70s an before, 5 from the FAs of the 80s, and 5 from FAs of 90s and after. We will work on keeping the Executive Committee a vibrant one.

As alumni are well aware, QES will be celebrating its 65th anniversary in the 2019-2020 school year. QES, PTS and OSA have been working together for a variety of celebration activities. The QES65 Gala Dinner is scheduled for 23 November 2019 at London Restaurant. Other activities include Fundraising Campaign, Talks by Alumni, Homecoming Day and School Visit. Please visit the OSA website for the latest information of the QES65 activities.

I look forward to seeing you in the QES65 activities!

CHAN Chung (75FA)

Past Chairpersons

1957-1960張思泉CHEONG See Chuen1956FA
1960-1962何子良HO Che Leung1956FA
1962-1963潘康盛PUN Hong Sing1956FA
1963-1964陳錦鴻CHAN Kam Hung1957FA
1964-1966方穎嫻FONG Wing Han1958FA
1966-1968湯偉奇TONG Wai Ki1958FA
1968-1969李瑞祺LI Shui Ki1958FA
1970-1972何世濤HO Sai To1964FA
1973-1974蔡桂生TSOI Kwei Sang1962FA
1975-1976劉敬修LAU King Sau1966FA
1976-1977王志超WONG Chi Chiu1967FA
1978-1979蔡香生TSOI Heung Sang1959FA
1980-1981關鍚堯KWAN Sek Yiu1969FA
1982-1983林培鈞LAM Pui Kwan1968FA
1984-1985岑文禎SHUM Man Ching1965FA
1986-1987談永凱TAM Wing Oi1969FA
1988-2000湯偉立TONG Wai Lop1974FA
2000-2005王大衛WONG Tai Wai1963FA
2005-2007劉紹基LAU Siu Ki1976FA
2007-2015湯修齊TONG Sau Chai1986FA
2015-Present陳忠Chan Chung1975FA